Introvert struggles

By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith

Today, I ate out, even though I was tired. When my main course arrived, I realised I had sent both my forks away with the starter plate. Rather than say anything, I ate dinner with two knives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 914
You deserved it 15 450

Same thing different taste


People asking why - could be a case of social anxiety disorder. A lot of people dismiss these disorders because they seem to think that they are relatively unimportant.

No I don't think that but I also know that someone with an anxiety disorder this severe would probably never eat out on their own. Since you have to ask for a seat, signal the waiter you wish to order and then signal again that you want to pay. Someone who can manage all of these, can manage to ask for a fork as well. Especially since waiters usually ask from time to time if everything is alright.

Incorrect, 19. I have very severe anxiety - social and in other senses - and I have eaten out at restaurants by myself before. Don't assume that all cases are the same. Even things like anxiety can work differently from one person to the next.

Certain things are similar, yes. But not all people with anxiety will react the same way to certain things. Not all people with social anxiety are terrified of even SPEAKING to another human. Different things can cause an anxious reaction in different people, and the reactions may be more severe or less severe depending on the person and how well they cope with it.

sylvienoir 18

I can tell you the super secret reaction that servers have when you ask them for a fork... They get OFFENDED and ask you if you're stupid! Not really...they get you another fork 5 seconds of unpleasantness for an easier way to eat food. Weigh those options.

One of the most British thing I've ever heard that doesn't involve tea.

sohigh10 34

I can't imagine the amount of FMLs that were far more worthy of being published than this. Even if you did have social anxiety.. you ate dinner in a slightly odd way, big deal

flyingflies 36

Assuming you suffer from social anxiety - you handled eating with two knives, but you couldn't handle asking for a fork? Guess which is bound to attract more attention. Assuming you were VERY tired - was it easier to use a knife instead of a fork then asking for a fork?

Hungry all the time, loss of concentration may be signs that either you are really busy and haven't rested in a long while or maybe onsey of diabetes. Have your sugar levels checked. Consult a doctor.

Kudos for having your dinner with two knives. Must've taken you some time. Really admire your dedication. I probably would've asked for a fork or maybe have asked them to bag the meal.

Look! It's Moon Moon's sister-in-law: Knife Knife!

Too tired to think straight, eating off the sharp ends of the sticks, and your tongue is in one piece? I think you just used up your supply of good karma.