
By Anonymous - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I took my parents and 3 sisters to the airport so they could take a trip to Hawaii. I wasn't invited because they don't like my husband. They asked me to watch the dog and water the plants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 008
You deserved it 7 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Without knowing all parties, hard to say who is the right. Your family may be intolerant, or husband may be genuinely difficult.


mylamesauce 0

i like how #15 assumes that the "boyfriend" is the douchebag...are you sure it isn't the family?now, of course YOUR family is perfect, but a lot of families are bigoted and hold your tongue between your teeth (obviously just a figure of speech people T_T i realize that no one is actually talking) and don't judge people before you know the whole story

kapowi 0

Today, my married daughter got mad because she wasn't invited on a trip. She then killed my pets and flowers. FML.

AnaMaree 0

Kill the dog, kill the plants.

Is your husband an asshole, or is your family generally hard to please (or is it somewhere in between, e.g. the two parties just don't have meshing personalities)? I agree though, if they were blatantly leaving you out of it, they shouldn't have asked you for the ride.

kellster 2

What did your husband do to make them all hate him so much? Were you guys expecting your parents to pay for him as well? Do your other siblings have spouses as well? Did your parents pay for them? It's hard to comment on this without knowing all of the facts. Is that really the entire reason? It seems like it might be a tad more complex than that. Strange that you agreed to take care of their stuff...

i would have said "u can drive your own ass to hawaii"

#17, yes Why exactly did you agree to this in the first place?