
By Anonymous - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I took my parents and 3 sisters to the airport so they could take a trip to Hawaii. I wasn't invited because they don't like my husband. They asked me to watch the dog and water the plants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 008
You deserved it 7 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Without knowing all parties, hard to say who is the right. Your family may be intolerant, or husband may be genuinely difficult.


#20.. no. just no. The dog shouldn't have to die just because you'd want to stick it to your family.. OP, Go on your own vacation then. Your family is out of the picture, go nuts.

gosh. that sucks. have fun with the dog! :P

irishfever 0

why should your parents pay for your vacation. you're a grown adult... buy your own plane ticket. and I doubt they said to your face that they don't like your husband, you're probably just "inferring" that don't be so whiny, some people have real problems

gigi37 0

You cannot expect your family to pay for you and your husband, especially if they don't like him (that is assuming they would pay). And if it's true that they don't like him, are you really that surprised they don't want to go somewhere fun with him? I doubt they would tell you after the wedding that they don't like him. And seeing how you're an adult, married and probably about to start your own family, you shouldn't expect to be invited to every family outing (this is also assuming your sisters are a lot younger than you and unmarried). If you're upset about being left out from the family, then, like a big girl, talk to them and take a small trip with only them somewhere.

Take care of the dog, but kill the plants.

well some one has to watch/take care of them....

hahaha. i shud have said where are you going, where are you going?!?!?!

why would you take them to the airport and wash their dog and stuff....? you obvbiously have no backbone whatsoever

throw a party at their house... if u have friends