
By Anonymous - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I took my parents and 3 sisters to the airport so they could take a trip to Hawaii. I wasn't invited because they don't like my husband. They asked me to watch the dog and water the plants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 009
You deserved it 7 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Without knowing all parties, hard to say who is the right. Your family may be intolerant, or husband may be genuinely difficult.


That's what u get for marrying a douche. If your whole family hates your husband, there must be a reason.

hinamori_amu 4

Sound like something that would happen to me, fellow washingtonion

Have sex in your parents' bed and on the table. Take the dog and let the plants die.

Let the plants die and take the dog! They don't deserve the love.

legendof90 14

The dog eats the plants. Then kill the dog. To anyone shocked, I'm joking cause if I don't say that you'll be up in arms

Don't worry, I don't have a wife, they still didn't take me