Hot bod

By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 08:39 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years told me that I appear to have gained some weight. After realizing that it made me feel depressed, he tried to make me feel better by making love to me. I decided to go with it. While doing so, he paused and said, "I'm sorry baby, but your weight is too much pressure for my back." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 637
You deserved it 8 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he needs to get his weight up. He sounds like a sissy.

ulicksam 0

Seriously, if a guy complains about your weight during sex, it's too much weight. Most guys would let a little extra slide while they're getting some.


notsoluckypup 12

at least he called u baby haha

KyleIsSoFine 0

Then next time, let HIM be on the bottom. More cushion for the pushin' ! ;D

Battledog5006 0
G_thelegend 0

im not exactly fat either, but im heavier than my boyfriend too, its okay. :)

I think you should really try to be a bit more positive, he's brought it to your attention so now do something about it, if he's the good man you probably believe he is he'll support you through thick and thin... Ha. >.>

Hrny_lover220 0

I will do you any time darling

Licklelaw 1
fakEwOrLD 0

less complaining nd start must be really big if your causing him pain on his back or maybe his just to skinny