Hey guys

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, the cockroach infestation at my house has gotten so bad that I can now tell the difference between male and female cockroaches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 325
You deserved it 4 449

Top comments

What do you mean 'your' house? I think they've made their point pretty clear.

Yeah, those infestations get so bad once you decide to breed with them and have little half-human-half-cockroach hybrids scuttling around.


bag all of your food items and keep a super clean home then get as many cocroach motels you can and set them up everywhere. they are born pregnant so it works better to kill them without chemicals. the fridge and under the sink are prime cocroach living habitats.

try cleaning the house and seeking some pest control, or live in a roach infested crap hole and post about it, what ever works better

At #64. Who said anything about my house being a dirty infested craphole. My house is actually very clean and I have tried various methods to get rid of them.

Watch out before you know it your gonna start naming them.


Try spraying peppermint, eucalyptus and cypress oils around the house regularly (bugs hate that shit), diatomaceous earth outside, chuck out any cardboard, make sure they never have anything to feed on and put bay leaves in your cupboards. Apparently stale beer traps and cucumber ends work too, but I've never needed to use them.

on another note, if you want to get rid of them, you have to leave bait out. bombing, sprays, etc do not work effectively. because the roaches will eat the bait then die. the other roaches will eat that roach and die. then other roaches eat those ones and die. that is how you get rid of them. they eat each other when they die. so if you poison them, they die.

Get a large lizard that eats roaches and then let it free roam your house, lol.