Hey guys

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, the cockroach infestation at my house has gotten so bad that I can now tell the difference between male and female cockroaches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 325
You deserved it 4 447

Top comments

What do you mean 'your' house? I think they've made their point pretty clear.

Yeah, those infestations get so bad once you decide to breed with them and have little half-human-half-cockroach hybrids scuttling around.


The males are darker with a more bulbous butt. The females have a longer butt and are a bit lighter. This is in Newzealand.

Yeah, those infestations get so bad once you decide to breed with them and have little half-human-half-cockroach hybrids scuttling around.

DraytonP 11

I'd just burn the house down.


If you stomp them, sometimes they still manage to stay alive...

BeenIt 5

They'd survive and you'd be homeless. ******* things would probably survive a nuclear holocaust.

Fire does kill them. Have you never tried to light one on fire before? I once took a sheet of paper from the mail caught a **** roach then lit all four corners. The fire got closer and the cockroach couldn't escape. He stood on his back legs trying to avoid the flames, but he was engulfed and died.

They're a delicacy in some parts of the world. Might want to consider selling?

Mathalamus 24

maybe you should do something? i dunno, just a word of advice. up to you.

if an infestation is really bad it's REALLY hard to get rid of even if you can a professional exterminator. not to mention the fact that exterminators are expensive. I had an infestation once and three bug bombs didn't fix the problem.

Thankyou! I have tried everything, those little suckers are hard to kill.

Maybe you should call an exterminator.

What do you mean 'your' house? I think they've made their point pretty clear.

Make friends with them. Sounds like they are there to stay..


I think it may be a tad too late for that.

I just laughed WAY harder than I should have e.e