Hey guys

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, the cockroach infestation at my house has gotten so bad that I can now tell the difference between male and female cockroaches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 325
You deserved it 4 449

Top comments

What do you mean 'your' house? I think they've made their point pretty clear.

Yeah, those infestations get so bad once you decide to breed with them and have little half-human-half-cockroach hybrids scuttling around.


Do you own? Call an exterminator. Do you rent? Call an exterminator, then call Tenancy Services and find out what your rights and responsibilities are.

Here's an idea. Clean your house and stop being a nasty pig. Cockroaches don't take up homes in clean houses.

You don't seem to know how roaches work, you lucky soul. It makes no difference if someone's clean or not, if they get in, they will be everywhere. And the homeowner can be as careful as they can be but if someone comes in from anywhere that has roaches, they're bringing roaches in.

You clearly have no experience with roaches. My dad's old house was as clean as clean could be. My stepmom is one of those people who cleans the house ten times a day and anything out of place is put away and any mess is cleaned up immediately. You could eat off of any surface in her home without worry. However, every night, we had to block up all the doors and windows to keep the roaches out. If you live in roach territory, they don't give a flying fig if your house is clean or dirty. I don't think they ever did manage to get rid of them. They could control them, but they never could get rid of them entirely.

Wow, someone had a bowl of bitchy for breakfast. They can infest any home. They actually prefer cleaner environments so I have heard.

liz4cyr 10

It's easy to tell the difference between cockroaches and roaches.....get it.....COCKroaches?!...I'll see myself out.

Heartbeat94 4

anyone also research the differences between male and female cockroaches?

wolfgirl310 20

Those ******* are so hard to kill :( our house has them cause our contractor never finished the house. we live near a canyon