Hey guys

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, the cockroach infestation at my house has gotten so bad that I can now tell the difference between male and female cockroaches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 325
You deserved it 4 449

Top comments

What do you mean 'your' house? I think they've made their point pretty clear.

Yeah, those infestations get so bad once you decide to breed with them and have little half-human-half-cockroach hybrids scuttling around.


It's easy to tell anyway. Females have the egg sacks hanging off the back. Call an exterminator. Make sure they use an IGR. (Insect growth regulator) Exterminator here.

If you can't afford and exterminator, try Boric Acid, flour, and sugar. Mix 1 part each. My friend had an infestation and used this. After a week, almost no roaches.

In case you didn't know there are people that come into your home/apt and get rid of bugs and rodents. There called exterminators. Google one near you and make an appointment.

Call a ******* exterminator, dude. We were wall to wall roaches at a house I bought, literally hundreds of nests. A pro exterminator can clean that up in three visits.

Steve97 32

So buy a couple cans of bug spray and do something about it! YDI mate...

You should have killed them when you had the chance.

What's the difference? Females lay eggs so they are more dangerous