Hello goodbye

By mydatinglifesucks - 15/06/2014 06:31 - United States

Today, I had a date with a man who works as a psychiatrist. He diagnosed me with borderline personality disorder during dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 846
You deserved it 6 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't charge you, who doesn't love free things?


MANY people go into the Mental Health field because they have issues of their own and it's not uncommon for them to project onto others. My advice: RUN and don't look back.

Atleast he cares about you enough tio do that.OP you are infact a lucky person

Wow. You must have real problems for a psychiatrist to feel the need to diagnose you with an axis II diagnosis during a date. You should probably seek help.

That is probably one of the most unprofessional, not to mention unethical things to do during a date. Clinically diagnose your dinner date. Oh yes, how romantic. I think that you got lucky and dodged a bomb with that one, OP.

Agreed, it is unethical and unprofessional. Besides, formal diagnosis takes time, often tests and several evaluations. This guy doesn't sound worth his salt professionally or personally.

Maybe the date threw salt over his shoulder, and op cleaned it up.

Don't worry about it, everyone has certain traits of some kind of mental disorder.

Nyarlothatep 12

You should have diagnosed him as an asshole.

I think everyone has some type of disorder. go with the flow and enjoy it.

xmlguy 14

I guess he's not going to be taking his work home with him. Sorry OP