He's a good man

By no booze, no boyfriend - 04/06/2013 20:31 - United States

Today, my now ex-boyfriend called me from jail, expecting me to bail him out. He'd tried to buy a load of booze at the liquor store and came up short by ten cents. The cashier refused to be short-changed, and he figured the only reasonable reaction was to punch her in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 130
You deserved it 4 660

Same thing different taste


Clearly you made the right decision in dumping him

Sure, he overreacted, but ten cents short and not flipping him a dime? Alcohol is expensive, so its not like she would have been paying for half of his total purchase or anything. "A load of booze" implies it was a lot, and a lot of alcohol is lot of money. If he spent say, $80-90, she definitely should have, morally, let him off. She was morally wrong. They are both rude people, stop defending the stupid cashier.

@87 When the hell did it become the moral thing to "let someone off" for not having the money to pay for something? It isn't her responsibility to give him any money for his alcohol (which is not a necessity by the way), and who knows how strict the store is about being short in the till? Seriously, I would love for you to explain to me how it is the moral thing for her to come out of her pocket to pay for a stranger's alcohol, or to get in trouble at her job for being short in the till, because I just don't understand that. How about this: If you can't afford your "load of booze", put something back.

You are a complete and total idiot. Should stores make a habit of paying a dime for everyone who's a bit short? How many people would it be appropriate for them to cover? Should there be a dollar range that the person has to spend in order to get their purchase covered? I have run into a few very nice cashiers that will take a dime (or a quarter, or even a dollar) out of their own pocket for a customer they know very well, but it's not her moral obligation to cover him. If it's not store policy to let people like that off, it's out of her control. After all, she doesn't set the prices and it's not her money. Many places have a policy where you can only be a certain amount of small change (usually $1-3) over or under, and I'm sure she didn't want to risk it, especially not for a jackass that would punch a woman in the face.

Aren't all liquor stores in the US state owned?

IT_Nird95 9

Let the women beater stay in jail, plenty of his type to interact with.

Woman* you lil' fggooooot! myeafhyvfjnv! (insert downy noises)

Neyuu 18

10 cents here, 25 there. Cashiers see hundreds of customers a day, that shit adds up. If she let everyone slide for a couple cents, she would get fired for being constantly short. Do you have any idea how many people come to the store without enough money for their precious alcohol and tobacco? Ridiculous.

Leave him there a night in jail will be good for that idiot -.- he could have run out to his car and looked for 10 cents OR, put away one of the beverages to lower the cost and avoid this all.... He deserves what he got, leave him he isn't your responsibility anymore

Epickitty58 29

You can really pick 'em, can't you? Sounds like a real keeper to me. *WARNING: THIS COMMENT CONTAINS HUGE AMOUNTS OF SARCASM. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.