Grades go both ways

By tomandjerry - 21/05/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was scolding my 8 year-old son because he was getting bad grades in school. I told him that he should get straight "A"s like his friend Ceejay. He told me that comparing him to Ceejay was unfair. When I asked why, he said, "Because his dad is actually smart." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 915
You deserved it 66 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's no need to compare to the other kids in the class. What if the kids parents do everything for him? Tell your child to do what they can do, don't push them to be something more than what they are. YDI. And #2, scolding doesn't necessarily mean hitting.

You don't compare your kids to other kids. It's unfair and incredibly rude to your child. If he's not getting A's, maybe something else is up. Maybe CJ's dad actually helps his kid with his homework? And your kid's 8 years old. They don't even get letter grades yet I don't think. You should be encouraging him.


I remember growing up I used to always hate how my mom would compare me to my cousins sayin why cant I be more like them. 15 years later I've now graduated with a masters and I'm living the good cousins on the other hand are in and out of jail and barely finished high school.... Anyways the point is......YDI ! Dont compare your kids!

I hope you told him off for answering you back.

Ceejay/ CJ is a weird name. oh ya, btw, YDI.

YDI. You compared the kid to someone, the kid compared you to someone. Justice... SERVED!

weightloss 0

wows agreed, don't compare children. esp. because when kids use the excuse, "But Billy's parents let him! Why won't you let me?" and parents respond, "Well we aren't Bill's parents." It's the same when saying, "Ceejay (I have friends who spell it like that too people) gets good grades, why don't you?" It's only fair the child reply "Well I'm not Ceejay." your son was probably pissed off for you comparing him. I know I hated it. YDI. sorry

@44- Why? He deserved it. Why shouldn't the kid put him in his place after being disrespected like that? Being a parent doesn't exempt one from being wrong, and I don't see how it's wrong for a child to correct them.

My father did the same for years. We no longer speak.

I love your kid. He may not get good grades, but he's witty. Anyway, leave the kid alone. He's in what, 3rd grade? Chill out.

Is your kid raised in the same environment as Ceejay? No. Is your kid even get related to Ceejay? No. The reason why I asked that is a person's intellectual development varies differently depending on their biological makeup and environment they are in, via the twin studies. Not everyone can achieve straight A's - they are kids for reasons, you shouldn't be scolding them for marks unless you want them to take their own lives [i.e. commit suicide] under the unneeded pressure like MANY kids are doing right now. Did you want that to happen? I was never able to get straight A's in middle school, or highschool. But when I know I need to be somewhere, and I need grades to get it... I will pull those 80's and above by my own, with no one to force me and that made me feel good about myself - the fact that I can accomplish and set goals by myself (not what my parents set for me). Regardless, your dreams for your son getting straight A's should be short lived, abolished, and you should stop comparing him to other children. He's not them, and for all we know, he could be trying so damn hard only to get an unsatisfied parent.