Give it back

By aliixmaee - 09/08/2011 14:50 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me. She took everything, including the kidney I gave her a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 025
You deserved it 6 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can remind her that there will always be a piece of you inside her.


Did you expect her to be your slave after you gave her your kidney? Did you use "i gave you a kidney" in a lot of arguments? You should have married her first

What I don't understand is why everyone is getting on the girlfriends case. Yes, what OP did was very selfless, but that doesn't mean that she is ungrateful. (What, was OP's girlfriend supposed to give the kidney back when she broke up with him?) That also doesn't mean she is making a mistake. Maybe OP is selfless and caring, but he might also be obsessive, demanding, not her type, etc. This being said, FYL man. Breakups suck.

kaykay20 0

If he wasn't her type wouldn't she have broken it off earlier then waiting 4 years to do so? Not a very good example stupdude.

simplylost643 0

If the OP was selfless, he wouldn't be demanding. If he was caring, he wouldn't be obsessive. Either your attempting to say the OP has split personalitys, or you didn't think this one through very clear. I don't know a heck of alot of people that go through painfully invasive surgery for another human being just for sh&ts and giggles. Also, as kaykay pointed out, they were together for four years. Would you stay with someone who wasn't your type for that long?

BhYou want the kidney back right when she leaves? Sorry, but last time I checked you can't just rip it out of your body to give back? And you may be hurting now but at the time when you gave it to her, you were being sweet and sincere.

I bet this might be hard to explain to your next gf or anyone for that matter "yea my last gf dumped me even though she has my kidney"

MAXCAT1220 0
mks100 0

So you gave the woman a kidney a year ago, making her your girlfriend for what? Three years, and you didn't purpose? That's just not right. At least you'll still be with her for forever! Lol