Give it back

By aliixmaee - 09/08/2011 14:50 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me. She took everything, including the kidney I gave her a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 025
You deserved it 6 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can remind her that there will always be a piece of you inside her.


RabidBunny 10

I am so sorry, but that is just how some people are, a bunch of ungrateful bastards. You showed great character saving her life, even though she turned out to be rotten and full of things you don't want to know about. She may not appreciate your sacrifice but you did a good deed, even if for the wrong person. You shall be rewarded one way or another.

Not wanting to stay with OP doesn't make her an unappreciative, horrible person. Sometimes relationships don't work. Forcing them to continue is a terrible thing to do. Expecting someone to stay because you did them a favor is downright predatory.

RabidBunny 10

That's not the point. The fact that she took everything despite what he did for her shows that she is ungrateful.

simplylost643 0

#120 I don't know where your from, but if giving someone a kidney is only a "favor" where your from, I wouldn't want to visit there. The OP probably considerably shortened his own life span so that she could countinue hers. Where I come from, you save someones life, at detriment to your own, they damn well better appreciate it. Not stealing all the donors stuff on the way out the door should be a given.

120-You can live on only one kidney. OP did not shorten his lifespan by giving away the kidney. Just because the girlfriend left him doesn't mean she was unapreciative to him for giving the kidney, but staying with somebody forever because they saved your life is just stupid. I agree that it wasn't real nice for her to take everything, but maybe she was the one who paid for it all. You never know.

I agree with 423. Just because OP gave his gf a kidney doesn't mean she's forever entitled to him. It is an amazing thing to do for her, yes, but if the only reason why he gave her his kidney is because he wanted her to stay forever, that's not a heathy relationship.

Am I the only one that would be joking how part of me would be "inside" of her forever?

razzberry 9

So you did an incredibly selfless thing a year ago, that obligates her to be bound to you for life? If you were looking for that type of commitment you should have added a ring to that deal. FYL, break ups suck, just remember that you're a caring person and she's the one making the mistake.

YES! this is exactly what I was thinking! you're a fantastic person to give her your kidney but doesn't mean she's forever in your debt and must always be by your side...that's not how it works! FYL for losing your gf though!

0opsie 6

I agree, she's not obligated to stick around forever and leaving him doesn't make her a bad person. But I'm curious as to how valuable "everything" she took was. If some of it was OP's or even shared between them, then that's what makes her ungrateful and inconsiderate.

You're cat looks like it has a mole lol.

newjerseyguy 0

Thank god someone else feels the same way I do about this, just because you gave her your kidney doesnt mean she is yours for life. Did you giver her a kidney to be kind or to try to own her for life? I'm gonna say FYL for being arrogant enough to think that way.

razzberry 9

Lol she does, it's her cute little " fur beauty mark". Everyone jokingly calls her the Marilyn Monroe kitty; she's just my beautiful Isabelle xD.

simplylost643 0

Maybe I'm alone in my thinking here, but I believe in an eye for an eye. In this particular situation, the OP "saved" the womans life. The least she could do, dare I say is responsible for, is maintaining a decent enough relationship (be it friend or other) to perhaps one day return the act of selflessness that he showered her with. The fact that she no longer wanted to be in a romantic relationship is not the issue here. Her taking all his stuff and ditching him is. That's pretty damn disrespectful in my book.

It did say she 'took everything.' that's how I'm reading it.

#368 I've heard people say that about their partners and it happened a lot that the partner simply took the stuff he/she paid for and owned them. Or they just said that so others felt sorry for them and thought about the other one bad things.

GagaForGaga103 1

let the jigsaw play *the game* with her then

Well it was ur choice to give her ur kidney!!! It's not her fault u gave it to her!!!!

Your an idiot, I hope no one ever donates anything to you, ungrateful you know what lol :p maybe it is her fault she lost her own kidney because of her lifestyle you never know, im sure she asked him to donate since you know shed likely die sooner than expected. Typical idiot girl. This is why I prefer men :P OP isn't saying he owns her or anything just saying that it sucks. All stupid people with a low IQ should be wiped off the planet lol :P they serve no purpose ( except maybe working fast food, even then their stupidity usually screws it up) anyways enough said :P

#401 So how often do you **** up at your fast food job?

A lot of people donate and give kidney's and sometimes people give them to strangers. You don't see people giving their kidney's to strangers and saying "**** that kid took my kidney forever, FML"... It's an incredibly grateful thing you did, but you shouldn't expect her to stay with you forever and have your babies. For all we know, the break up could be your fault.... but we don't know. I'm sure you can find yourself a better girlfriend now who will stay with you forever, with one of your kidneys or not ^^'

AngelFace14 0

That sucks:/ Heartless bitch

Ex girlfriends story... "my bf gave me his kidney a year ago and we just broke up. I now have to carry a part of him around with me everywhere and the only satisfaction I get from that is that I get totally wasted and get alchohol poisoning...FML"