By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got hit by a car while riding my bike. Instead of coming to my aid, the driver just laid on his horn and screamed out the window for me to move my ass, because he had places to be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 075
You deserved it 5 424

Top comments

Some people can be such inconsiderate assholes!!

aron666 25


mathguy25 7

i hope you took your sweet time writing down his license plate number

Sounds like he's done this before to another guy!

Well you should drive an automobile yourself, unless your travel is under 20k, YDI

so its his fault for riding his bike?

Unless that person was dying or having birth in their car right there, they're a douche.

mimikinsz01 6

Ignorant people these days.

And that's when I would've thrown a rock at his back window as he drives away.

deemarie13 14

Please say u at least got the ass's license plate number?

That's hit and run which is serious crime.

What a wanker. I know you'd just been hit by a car, but hopefully you used that time to remember his license number. Having said that, I now I'm generalising, but it is usually true that cyclists tend to be the ones at fault when they get hit - were you visible and riding safely?

who cares? the car should have stopped either way

That's true, and I too am a cyclist, but as far as being hit is concerned, OP might have deserved it is what I'm saying. The guy still should have stopped, I agree.

I bet the new places he will be is at court :)