By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got hit by a car while riding my bike. Instead of coming to my aid, the driver just laid on his horn and screamed out the window for me to move my ass, because he had places to be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 075
You deserved it 5 424

Top comments

Some people can be such inconsiderate assholes!!

aron666 25


yumyumpoptart 16

at least you don't have to put up with that prick of a boss anymore

Has no one stopped to consider that OP could be one of those inconsiderate cyclists that makes themselves a danger to anyone on the road? Let's be honest here, OP likely wouldn't admit to being the cause so we can't rule it out.

How does it go? "As a pedestrian, I hate drivers. As a driver, I hate pedestrians. But no matter what I am, I hate bicyclists."

rg350dx 29

Inconsiderate or not, if you hit someone with your car you should stop to help them out. At the very least. I hate bicyclists who think they own the road and don't obey they law. But if I were to hit someone I would definitely help them.

beastiness 14

I hate to break it to you but no matter what a pedestrian has the right of way. Cyclists ( at least in my state ) are considered the same as a car and are allowed in the road and follow regular driving rules. I come from a family of runners and cyclists and every one of us has been hit at some point by an as like you who thinks we re being inconsiderate

30- Pedestrians have the right of way when they are in a crosswalk (in the US anyway), otherwise they are jaywalking which is actually illegal. Yes, the driver has the responsibility to control their vehicle and avoid hitting anyone, but that doesn't mean the pedestrian "always has the right of way". That attitute would get you hit by a car pretty quickly in some cities I've been to.

Pedestrians do not always have the right of way, if they did we wouldn't need crosswalks. If a cyclist is treated the same as a car then they should follow the speed limit and go at least 40 in a 40.

Speed limit doesn't mean "at least", it means "no more than". Because it's.. the limit. Your maximum limit is that speed. :P

TheDrifter 23

A car is considered to be unsafely driven when driving less than half the speed limit and the drivers license can be revoked and a hefty fine issued. If a cyclist is on the road, they are considered a vehicle here, but the police don't apply the rules to them. I say they should have their vehicle impounded and a $2500 fine for unsafe driving, just like anyone else who darts between cars and drives 15 in a 35mph zone.

We can't rule that out, yes, but could you imagine getting directly hit by a car on a bike? That's gonna hurt a lot! And in many places, bikes and cars are on the same boat!

rg350dx 29

That's when you pull some Indiana Jones move and jump on his car to whoop his Nazi ass and dump him out of the car and run him over.

upallnight11 19

Pedestrians hate cars . Cars hate pedestrians. However , everyone hates bikers. This is the unfortunate law of the universe .

not unfortunate, maybe it'll tech em to get out if the way.

An unfortunate law of America actually. There are urbanized countries such as Japan that allow bicycles to freely move with the cars and nobody thinks badly of it.

DaLiquer 20

Make sure to get the tag of the car that hits you and make a police report. There are laws that protect bikers from such idiots, given that you were riding in accordance with the law. If you were not following the rules and were riding against the traffic then you're at fault. It's always best to stay at the scene and make a report though, and if the driver left and were found at fault they can be charged with leaving a scene of the accident.

unlikely, especially in the states, runners like to run in bike lanes against the flow of the traffic here but I can't imagine the law ever wanting you to run or ride like that, whoever gave that advice is an idiot

Don't know about the US, but in the UK pedestrians are advised to walk against the flow of traffic if there's no pavement. Bikes are supposed to obey (more or less, there might be a few minor differences) the same traffic laws as cars, and are supposed to ride on the road with motorised vehicles unless there are specifically designated cycle lanes.

TheCutestLizard 28

Yeah, his place to be is jail because hit and run is a felony.

perdix 29

He did render aid! In your post-traumatic haze, you obviously decided to become a human speed-bump, so he advised you to get your ass to safety. Get his license plate as he pulls away and let the cops congratulate the fellow for giving you such good aid.

If the biker followed the rules and the driver hit him, then yes, OP has a right to get that driver in trouble But If OP was at fault, he can only be mad at the guy for having terrible moral values

maryiah 21

At least nothing worse happened... One of my friends died from being hit by a car while riding his bike. But sucks for you, OP.