Forgetting something?

By Julez - 14/01/2012 16:14 - United States

Today, I was trying on some new pants in the fitting room at a store. I was so overcome with joy when I noticed that I had dropped two pant sizes, that when I took them off and went outside to pay for them, I realized I forgot to put back on my original jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 314
You deserved it 13 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ajay96 3

Well congrats. As long as Paul blart didn't chase you down

nutella830 0

Hey at least you dropped two pant sizes(:


Don't worry OP, I've almost done the same thing too lol! Just walk it off, but with your pants back on! :P

letsgopens58 4

I could see that happening to me. Lol

Found: 1 pair jeans in changing room Lost: 2 pant sizes : 1 dignity Congrats on the weight loss though :)

SlaveToRetail 10

I work in retail (hence the username.) Trust me, most retail/clothing employees have seen worse. I had to tell a customer the other day to shut the door because she was in nothing but panties.

millz94 1

atleast you got to show off your slimer waist;D

Pants are overrated anyway. So restrictive...