
By SayWhat - 25/02/2010 11:46 - United States

Today, I went to throw out the garbage outside. I noticed at the bottom of my can was a lot of rice. I was angry at my brother for making a mess. As I went to clean it up, the rice moved. It wasn't rice, it was maggots. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 648
You deserved it 4 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My dad once lit fire to a trashcan when he saw maggots inside. The trashcan melted - Clearly he's not a big fan of bugs.

Pour a 1:4 mix of bleach and water in there. I guess you could then pour it down the disposal in your sink (though that'd be gross).


smashleighfig 0

....because she thought her brother made a mess and threw rice in the bottom of the garbage can..

guckylynn 19

So take your garbage out more often, especially if it has food that is rotting in it. That's disgusting.

it happens. atleast it was outside in the garbage instead of in the house, or in your mouth like the other FML user who coincidentally discovered a woodlouse in his damn mouth while brushing his teeth.

you're one of us now, michael! mwahahahaha! *swoops off bridge*

My dad once lit fire to a trashcan when he saw maggots inside. The trashcan melted - Clearly he's not a big fan of bugs.

Not throwing it into the bag is in fact making a mess.

flashback.miss 28

male worm rape? in the next fml? lol

Plasmolyze 0

funny until you have to touch maggots ew!

flashback.miss 28

soooo did you try to burn them, but one escaped, grew to about 18 ft with tentacles and torrents slime and now is stalking you to make your belly plump with its seeds and some good, gunging fun? buy a flame thrower....unless youre into that sort of thing but yeah ewww..... *squirms*

... What the hell kind of hentai are you watching? Jeeze, that is disturbing!

flashback.miss 28

hentai is tentacle monsters, . what im discribing is Galaxy of Terror with a giant worm. :3

heehee tentacles andcthe first thing I think of is squidward.

ipwnallmen 10

lolz funny you should mention squiddy XD

#37 it's an awesome type of cartoon. You should google videos for you and your family.

fmlissoooooofked 0
bcns 0

your absolutely stupid, that never happend to u. Your such a liar, Its ridiculous!