By imanidiot - 03/03/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I'd been sat in traffic for about an hour. I've heard stories about people doing the dirty in their cars, and I never do anything risky so I thought, why not, I'll be here a while, no one can see me: I'll masturbate. Midway through, I heard a tap on my driver's window. It was a police officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 258
You deserved it 152 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How in the world did you think nobody would see you?? Doesn't your car have windows like the rest of us?

Sora_fml 0

lmao, shoulda told him that it itched, you were just scratching. Or ask if he wanted to join in.


mikelc 0

Fairly dumb, since there's so much traffic around. Not the worst idea on it's own if you can manage it. You might want to pull over on on some desolate side street and park where there is the least amount of lighting. Or, do it on a straightaway on the Alaska Highway.

missprincess05 0

Oh my god. Why would u put a pic of yourself nude??? Oh yeah cover up your penis like it helps! Some kids go on this. No one wants to see your itty bitty ok dude! Ps ur as ugly as hell so go show it off to your mom not the Internet pervert!! Pps get a gf oh wait u can't! Haha

Sean123 0

thank you #16 its not like you were walking down the street doin it and so wat like the police man is going to complain and ask you not to do it again

mariposa93 0

I don't understand everyone saying "that's disgusting." You must lead incredibly boring lives. I've done it several times. Never STOPPED in traffic though. You don't become invisible in your car. It's definitely easier for us girls though.

LOL, you have guts girl! Hopefully you won't get into too much trouble.

I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD GET ON THE INTERNET FROM JAIL!!!!!!!!!! Or you hid your mobile phone when they processed you and are texting from your cell, right???

skyttlz 32

nor did he say he didn't.

iammeanttolive 0
shon12293 0

that is the most ****** up shit ever!!!

#31, I happen to think it's really sad that you can't imagine masturbation without visual stimulus. Sounds like you completely lack imagination.