By imanidiot - 03/03/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I'd been sat in traffic for about an hour. I've heard stories about people doing the dirty in their cars, and I never do anything risky so I thought, why not, I'll be here a while, no one can see me: I'll masturbate. Midway through, I heard a tap on my driver's window. It was a police officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 258
You deserved it 152 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How in the world did you think nobody would see you?? Doesn't your car have windows like the rest of us?

Sora_fml 0

lmao, shoulda told him that it itched, you were just scratching. Or ask if he wanted to join in.


I actually burst out laughing while i was reading this in class, The teacher called on me and I had to make up something completely not paying attention.

cbahh 0

Well, you do have windows in front of, behind, and to the sides of you. So you really should be prepared for such things. When I was in high school my field hockey team was on the bus and saw a man doing this. Our coach took down his license plate, called the cops, and we actually witnessed him pulled over. HILARIOUS.

pmoney1049 0

shit, ive done it before.... gotta be discrete tho

you deserve it for doing it in the middle of the day during a traffic jam..... people can see in your car, you're not moving, and being a jam, there's probably cops around, what did you expect to happen?

thats actually so disgusting and you hear about ppl doing it with EACH OTEHR not themselves

I'm sure that cop didn't want you handing him your license and registration :P

smbxsway 0

I don't get why this is disgusting either...stupid, but not disgusting and not all that weird. I swear people do all kinds of stuff in their cars all the time. You just can't get caught! I.E. don't do it in traffic

#17 - LMAO that was taken from the Man Show