Dropped the ball

By TrueStories - 13/04/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I went to a football sleepover with all of my teammates. I felt something near the bottom of my sleeping bag, and I pulled it up with my foot. My entire team watched me pull out a red thong. My parents had been on a camping trip the week before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 296
You deserved it 4 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boomBOOMshake 0

You should have just played it off as the thong being from a girl who you had sex with, obvious thing to do in that awkward situation.

Yeah.. but for all they know it's from the girl that you nailed the other night. They have no idea it's your parent's unless you told them.


so_me_fml 0

Can I just say one thing? EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW

420hiadventurer 0

I agree completely with #2 and #6. At least the football team doesn't know that the thong is from your parents.

I'm with #9, you're at a football sleepover, so why not? In fact, you could probably go on and "roast" some "hotdogs" in your "asshole" and then have "gay buttsecks" and "take a dump on each others chests." A football sleepover has to be the second most ****-erotic, gay but "not gay," thing that I have ever heard of. "Hey guys, we spend all day together sweating on each other and rubbing all over each other..that's just not gay enough..let's roast marshmallows and tell ghost stories!!!!!!"

thinkpink 0

To everyone calling football players with team bonding exercises (Hey, you can't help it when it's mandated by the coach usually) are probably just jealous. Get back to whatever it is you're passionate about and stop bashing on others for what they like to do.

deliciouskaek 1

And no one thought he was thinking of the leftover spew from that evening in a clearly unwashed sleeping bag wasn't worth a FYL? Cos I'm getting a little queasy just thinking about it. T___T

You share a sleeping bag with your parents?

JackDupp 11

So what does your mom look like? Pics would be most helpful.

Majormaxo 0

Not that bad, everyone will think that you got some in that sleeping bag last time.

#15--my thought exactly. He had been laying on that... yuck!

alliethedory 0

Hope when you got home, tell your parents they forget to take out the thong and wash the sleeping bag. That way they would be awkward the way they made you feel that way. But yea hope you showered afterward.