Driving me mad

By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France

Today, at the crack of dawn, I started a 700-mile road trip with my three children. So far, I've stopped four times, settled several arguments, cleaned up spilled yogurt and melted silly putty. 130 miles down, 570 to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 062
You deserved it 12 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mumbellosity711 0

ydi for going on a SEVEN HUNDRED MILE ROAD TRIP.


What is a tatoo and what is a devel? Most "tattoos" are not in anyway supportive of or representing the "devil" and many are quite the opposite, as positive Christian or other religious symbols or simply as a work of art on the human body. I don't plan on getting any though but just felt like saying that.

YDI for being too cheap to fly with them!

YDI for not using protection when you had sex.

568 beer on the wall, 568 bottles of beer :) u take on down & pass it around :)

my family used to travel all over when we were younger. we left early and it's called making them use the bathroom before leaving and when it's time for meals. and yogurt really?

so? I had to go from Fort St John to Skidegate on a school bus with 23 other students and seven adults. that's 1746km. that includes an 8 hour ferry commute.

96 - I meant little kids that scream and cry and shit, lol

Its Called parenting.....you shouldn't fml on being a parent.....