Driving me mad

By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France

Today, at the crack of dawn, I started a 700-mile road trip with my three children. So far, I've stopped four times, settled several arguments, cleaned up spilled yogurt and melted silly putty. 130 miles down, 570 to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 062
You deserved it 12 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mumbellosity711 0

ydi for going on a SEVEN HUNDRED MILE ROAD TRIP.


xaer0babiix0 0

Invest in ear plugs and a blindfold.

hewro_failure 11
asmith12032 4

My question is.....how did they melt the silly putty???? o_O

I don't see the fml here. What did you expect? If that's how they behave then you did the right thing by not putting them on a plane, where you would have had to deal with nasty stares from the other passengers. Suck it up; you'll get there eventually.

My god that sounds like hell, but then again your kids will probably have to deal with the same shit when they have kids of their own

yazzieyaz1 18

I feel like my mom posted this... The same thing happened to us a few years back...