Driving me mad

By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France

Today, at the crack of dawn, I started a 700-mile road trip with my three children. So far, I've stopped four times, settled several arguments, cleaned up spilled yogurt and melted silly putty. 130 miles down, 570 to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 063
You deserved it 12 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mumbellosity711 0

ydi for going on a SEVEN HUNDRED MILE ROAD TRIP.


shaude91 0

dude! get over it! I drove all the way from new York to Washington state with my 5 other brothers and sisters! 2 dogs and mom and dad! we dealt with vomit, diarrhea, spilled food bathroom stops at every exit, kids fighting and wild dogs jumping everywhere! then not even a year later we did it again... all the way back to new York! I think you can handle it....

Cnote231 0

and this is why we buy airplane tickets!! =D

emiley0413 0

this sound like my trip to ny. but I was with my friends family

redneck2599 7

WTF are you doing writing on here while driving?????

Psh I am in the middle of 4,800 mile road trip...