Driving me mad

By Username - 06/07/2010 22:21 - France

Today, at the crack of dawn, I started a 700-mile road trip with my three children. So far, I've stopped four times, settled several arguments, cleaned up spilled yogurt and melted silly putty. 130 miles down, 570 to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 062
You deserved it 12 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mumbellosity711 0

ydi for going on a SEVEN HUNDRED MILE ROAD TRIP.


Your life must suck. Roadtrips like that can be a pain in the ass. Just hope that wherever you're going has a good bar and daycare service. #79 knows how it's done by the way. Props to you.

volleybabe1019 0

looks like someones in for a L.O.N.G ass car ride(: haa .

BallinJ 0

ydi for taking a road trip with kids. and maybe should concentrate on the trip instead of bitching about it on here.

Parenting fail! When traveling with kids make sure they have something to do, and do not settle more than 2 arguments, discipline the kids on the 3rd argument. And don't give the kids anything to eat or drink that can be easily spilled!

you don't know enough about the OP to be criticizing their parenting. They did have things to do, such as the silly putty, but they probably got bored after a while. When was the last time you sat in a car with 3 kids for hours?

I'd say sneak sleeping pills in their food when they aren't looking.

Are seriously complaining because of your parenting duties? Be a better parent and control your kids.