Don't mind me

By everyonewasstaring - 22/12/2009 23:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I was shopping in a packed store when I started to feel faint. Since I was quite far along in the queue, I tried to hold out until I reached the front of the queue. Good news: I succeeded. Bad news: I then fainted at the counter, hit my nose, and shit myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 585
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste


I felt pretty bad for you, until I read the last bit, then I laughed. A lot. Bad times dude.

LaVelle 0

I'd bet anything you were dehydrated.

JoeTheBow 8

Well atleast you succeded, right?

lviafranco 0

Waow, started to "feel faint"? Im sorry, is this something that regulary happens? You should get your health checked...