Don't mind me

By everyonewasstaring - 22/12/2009 23:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I was shopping in a packed store when I started to feel faint. Since I was quite far along in the queue, I tried to hold out until I reached the front of the queue. Good news: I succeeded. Bad news: I then fainted at the counter, hit my nose, and shit myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 585
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste


Rofl it soubds like an episode of south park where cartman says people shit when they die. I can just imagine you fainting then ********, wet, squirty bum juice! Fyl and im sorry.

cerebellum_fml 0

i know a kid who passed out cold in a public bathroom taking a long awaited piss.

it's the line she was waiting in to make her purchase for what it's worth I have NEVER, ever heard someone use the 1. definition.

In the UK they call waiting in lines queing. or however its spelled w/e.

..How can you not know what a queue is? Or maybe in America you just say line? I tell you, since creating my account on here, I never knew how different the language was for the UK and America.

alex_vik 0

There's a huge difference between English between the USA and UK.

Tell me about it! It's quite interesting actually, considering I want to move to the US when I'm older. I just hope everyone will love my accent as much as they proclaim they do.

we don't. we love the australian accent tho.

AUSTRALIAN?! Why..? Sorry to any Australians... Also, the English accent ain't too pretty either. I don't mind the Pacific Northwest...

But there are a few similarities, like they both have armies in countries they don't belong.

I dunno. Whenever I've been to America and basically spoken, people have just been insanely friendly just because I'm British.

psychoxxxinvader 3

Thats because British people are awesome :P

youdeservedit1 0

thats because british accents are amazingly sexy, I know too many men who fake them just to get the girl

dul_fml 2

I'm American and I use "queue" more than line. I guess that's what happens when you play too much Warcraft.

renaet 0

There was this guy that came to my highschool for like a week. He faked a brit accent and got in like 20 girls pants in that week and when the week was over we found out that 1) he wasn't british 2) he was 20 years old coming to highschool; and he actually got classes! 3) he was in jail for being a pedo

Crazy... I had a couple of people in the US really liking my Scandinavian accent..... Maybe you guys have a thing for accents?

boatkicker 4

You can go to high school up until you're 21, if you still don't have your diploma. After that point, you can't anymore. I believe you can finish out whatever school year you're in the years you're 21, but I'm not sure. I can't remember where I learned this, so it may not be a national thing, but I believe it is. And yes. I like accents. All accents, as long as they are not too heavy for me to understand.

Don't listen to them. We do love the British accent. :)

lickmyjock 0

LOL illustrate this shit PLEASE

Also, standing still for a long time (like in a queue) can make you faint if you have low blood pressure. You can prevent this by flexing your calves every now and then. edit: why do my comments show up at the bottom in stead of below the comment that I clicked 'reply' on? This was meant for #9.

xmagicgirlxx 0

normally people pee when they black out or go through trauma...not shit

I can get the fainting but ******** yourself is over the top :p

you need to practice with this