Don't mention it

By PoorGramps - 09/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, my greatgrandpa came over for dinner. Halfway through the meal, he pooped himself. My family went through the rest of the meal acting like we hadn't noticed to avoid embarassment. As it was coming to an end, my sister came home and immediately yelled, "Ew! Did someone poop?" He cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 3 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awe poor guy I wish I could give him a hug :(

Aww this is sad. At least you didn't make him cry... Your sister did....


EVERYONE IS MISSING THE POINT. they didn't say anything because they disnt want their grandpa to cry.

Einthe 0

Ugh, my grandma does that all the time. It's disgusting. She's a nasty old bitch who does horrid farts and expects us not to notice even when she deliberately does it in my face. Evil bitch.

You won't be calling her that when she passes away..

happybillie 0
mylifesgay 0

aww thats sucks! :( but isnt it more of an FhisL?

fire_in_the_hole 0