Doggy style

By failuretolaunch2 - 26/02/2015 03:31 - United States

Today, my boyfriend managed to orgasm by humping my leg. I'm beginning to think I'm dating a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 553
You deserved it 4 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he'll always be loyal if he's like a dog?


It's usually very easy for guys to ******.

Okay, either you two are way to young to be having sex, orrrrrr your not giving out as often it should and that's why he came so quickly. which is sad on both your parts.

"Or you're not giving out as often as you should"? I must've missed it when they handed out handbooks on the weekly quota of sex you have to have so your partner doesn't feel compelled to hump your leg. Daily reminder that nobody owes you sex even if you're dating them, etc., too, but seriously, coming too quickly wasn't exactly the weird part of his behavior.

Oh_bother44 11

Nowhere in the post does it say anythig about being quick... And age has nothing to do with it. Some people are just goofy and can have fun like that.

Maybe your too hot he couldn't contain himself ever think of that?

SchlomoTheGrinch 18

Newsflash: you ARE dating a puppy! Valentine's does strange things to people ;-)

Guessing it was middle of night or morning. Sometimes those, ahem, puppies just can't be denied. But it was a hint he wanted sex, not just to hump your leg. Your options were to tell him you're not interested or get involved. You chose neither and ended up with a mess.

Woof, woof, woof, woo-oof, woo-oof, woo-ooo-ooo... oops