Doggy style

By failuretolaunch2 - 26/02/2015 03:31 - United States

Today, my boyfriend managed to orgasm by humping my leg. I'm beginning to think I'm dating a puppy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 553
You deserved it 4 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he'll always be loyal if he's like a dog?


That's actually kind of cute, in a weird way.

By any means necessary you shall ******

Why are you with him? Can't imagine from the fml that he understands mutual sexual pleasure or that he could last long enough to manage it

Consider it his way of marking his territory.

I didn't know that he would actually be able to achieve an ****** by merely humping my leg. So we tested the theory. Sometimes the best way to learn is first hand (first leg?) experience.

if your shoes start to show up with teeth marks on them it might be time to move on.. ?

mischiefkel 17

This reminds me of the hotel scene with justin timberlake in the movie 'bad teacher' Cracks me up XD