
By Anonymous - 26/06/2010 13:24 - Tanzania United Republic of

Today, I was driving along when I saw a hot girl walking. I decided to impress her by doing a 180 degree turn. Successfully pulling off my trick, I decided to back up so I could go the right way. Not looking behind, I backed up and smashed into a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 803
You deserved it 65 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

That act will make the girl you are a stalker or possibly a pervo kidnapper. Dont follow girls with your vehicle.


fionawade 0

Would have made sense if you were trying to show off for a guy. Women would just think you're an idiot.

You totally deserve it for thinking she is "hot" when in fact you have no idea if she was hot or cold. Idiot hot is a temperature.

doing crap like that is more likely to turn a girl away then get their attention, well done on crashing though!

OP deserves it for being a dumb ass.

Doing a turn in your truck is not impressive. At all.

imagineapc 11

You deserve it for being retarded. I hope your car is totalled, really.

erinbetchhh 0

Why do guys always think girls are impressed by how they drive? We could really careless as long as you don't get us into a crash!

ya some guys are just clueless as to how to impress a girl. YDI

OP you really should pray that you go faster next time your car eats brick with you in it. You are supremely retarded thinking your Yugo could do anything like that