
By Anonymous - 26/06/2010 13:24 - Tanzania United Republic of

Today, I was driving along when I saw a hot girl walking. I decided to impress her by doing a 180 degree turn. Successfully pulling off my trick, I decided to back up so I could go the right way. Not looking behind, I backed up and smashed into a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 803
You deserved it 66 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

That act will make the girl you are a stalker or possibly a pervo kidnapper. Dont follow girls with your vehicle.


kitkat2701 18

That's what you get for being an ass hole! I applaud you, OP! Your level of idiocy has hit a new high!

Look on the bright side: now that your car insurance has gone up, you won't have the money to go chasing girls and thereby won't get in any more accidents...

That would impress absolutely nobody.

word of advice: driving like an ass to show off doesn't impress many girls.

u know that doesnt impress us right? y didnt u...ya kno talk to her? or something less reckless?