
By savvylady - 18/06/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, I was invited out to a date by my ex-boyfriend. He seemed really excited to reconnect and kept holding my hand and complimenting how I looked. Out of nowhere a girl runs up to him screaming. It was his current girlfriend, he was using me to make her jealous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 608
You deserved it 6 727

Same thing different taste


Maybe you could invite him out on a date and use him to give your brother or father someone to pummel.

Okay, you deffinetly deserved it, but your life is effed too. You should have seen that coming

Like #10 said. You shouldve said something like "I'm glad I gave you herpes!"

YDI for hanging round with your ex. He's your ex for a reason.

littlemisslee 0

Congrats on having a psycho ex.

beany212 0

Well at least you don't have to date him and he thinks that you are pretty enough to make is probably fugly current girlfriend. Basically his actions are saying "You are prettier than my fugly new girlfriend. All my girlfriends have gone down hill from you"

Roxas_fml 0

That's why you don't go on a date ever again with your EX. You should have seen it coming.