
By ruined_suit - 17/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my neighbor's trash bins were still on the curb. While returning the bins to her backyard, her kid ran out and shot me with a paintball gun. Multiple times. He thought I was a burglar and ruined my new suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 105
You deserved it 7 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn man. that does suck. my suggestion... get a paintball gun and have some fun of your own :p jk. dont do that.

caligal14 0

While I don't really know the whole story, but I do know that my neighbors are really nice and just the type of people that would put our trashcans or whatever back in our driveway if they blew away or we left them out, and we'd do the same for them, so... fyl.


mr153 0

For one thing, its a SUIT, paintballs are made to be washed out of cotton, paintball oil will NOT come out of stuff, just as 113 said, will not come out of more expensive material, also, try washing a yellow paintball stain out of a t shirt, it just wont come off

Tell your neighbor, she'll make her kid pay for it one way or another if she's halfway reasonable.

CBeans37 0

the paint washes off. its made out of like veggies or something weird like that

As everyone else said, it will easily wash off or dry clean off if you clean it soon after, the only 'damage' you could get would be a hole from the force. That aside, you should beat the crap out of that kid, I hate it when stupid spoiled brats misuse their markers.

If you were a burglar hopefully you would have killed the spoilt brat! even though your not....

homestly what the **** is a paintaball gun going to really do against a man who intends on lifting heavy things like tv's out a house. idiot kid. unless u get shot in the eye...

agreed with 14. the paint inside paintballs is washable, and the clothes it hits are too. wash or dry clean your suit. easy.

atleast it waznt an airsoft gun that would have ruined u!!

almost34 4

I would have done the same thing with my air soft gun

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

did it ever occur to you guys that he might have been going to work... that paint isn't gonna come off by magic in a heartbeat it's gonna take some time

sandstorm890 0

The kid obviously lives in a world where burglars wear expensive suits and steal your empty trash bins.