
By ruined_suit - 17/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I came home from work to find that my neighbor's trash bins were still on the curb. While returning the bins to her backyard, her kid ran out and shot me with a paintball gun. Multiple times. He thought I was a burglar and ruined my new suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 105
You deserved it 7 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damn man. that does suck. my suggestion... get a paintball gun and have some fun of your own :p jk. dont do that.

caligal14 0

While I don't really know the whole story, but I do know that my neighbors are really nice and just the type of people that would put our trashcans or whatever back in our driveway if they blew away or we left them out, and we'd do the same for them, so... fyl.


michael666 7

they had every right to, and they cud sue u to

dabmaster 0

Get the suit dry cleaned the paint comes out

U shouldve put the trash bin over u to protect ur self

L1wolf 6

No good deed goes unpunnished. That sucks

nicholasj96 9

If you have a new suit, why are you touching garbage in the first place ?

You act like paintballs don't wash out of clothes.

little f**** better be buying you a new one suit. sorry OP about the suit and good job being a good neighbor.

i would be teaching those kods the switch dance.