Dating apps suck

By probablydeadbymidnight - 01/07/2012 22:57 - United States

Today, I exchanged pictures with a guy I met online, whose devotion to his family really impressed me. In his picture, he was wearing clown makeup, holding a huge knife to his throat with one hand, and an ICP album in the other. All this with a psychopathic grin on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 390
You deserved it 7 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, his "family" is all the other idiot juggalos. Just be glad you've never met him in person, block his email address, and move the hell on.

the_smart_way 10

Why don't I read fmls properly... Sorry people, I will accept my failure and leave now :(


Even the Manson family had devotees.

So THAT'S why some people are scared of clowns!

Holy Hell! Stay away! Those ICP are scary and he'll want you to join the family! Hehehehe

lynnlaney 3

Relax their just juggalos a lot of them can be friendly, just stop being so stereo typical

dominic1221 6

First, they can stop sending pics of them looking like they're about to cut their own throats open, and then maybe we'll... well, continue to judge them based on their actions. The word you were looking for is "they're", by the way.

nelii89131 6

Finally someone with their head on right....

Thats why you have to be careful online.

At least you know that you probably don't want to meet him now.

Ok OP, I read your entire post and still can't find anything that indicates a FML. Juggalos are just like everyone else, there are good ones and there are bad ones. While I agree this was not the best first picture he could have sent you, maybe you should be a little less judgemental.

And the ICP flame war has resumed! Let the hate commence!!

Judgmental much? Just because he looked like that, doesn't mean he isn't devoted to his family. Can't judge a book by its cover!

Sure you can. Especially when you're exchanging pictures with someone online. Apparently you've never heard the saying "put your best foot forward". Sending a picture like that is creepy and frightening.

And this is also why there is still a stigma attached to meeting people online.

I think most people need more than just family devotion when choosing a partner. Knowing someone thinks dressing up like a clown and acting like a tool tends to really put a new perspective on things. Kind of like finding out your potential mate likes burning crosses in the yards of black people may be a bit of a deal breaker.

EVERYONE judges. If you say you don't, you're a ******* liar. And if someone sent you a picture you found creepy, you'd react the same way, get over yourself