Dating apps suck

By probablydeadbymidnight - 01/07/2012 22:57 - United States

Today, I exchanged pictures with a guy I met online, whose devotion to his family really impressed me. In his picture, he was wearing clown makeup, holding a huge knife to his throat with one hand, and an ICP album in the other. All this with a psychopathic grin on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 390
You deserved it 7 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, his "family" is all the other idiot juggalos. Just be glad you've never met him in person, block his email address, and move the hell on.

the_smart_way 10

Why don't I read fmls properly... Sorry people, I will accept my failure and leave now :(


Honestly, what's so wrong wit juggalos an juggalettes.? Imma juggalette an I'm a nurse aide, so what if we Tlk about killn bitches an so what if we wear clown makeup. We aren't bad ppl. An we do care about our families, our REAL families, mothers an fathers included. Dnt judge ppl for sumthin stupid

AshleyBaby420 2

Whoop whoop. That guy sounds awesome.

you realize the men in ICP care more about their family than anything and not just other juggalos they made sure before anything else that their kids had a college fund.

So y'all are rude asf for all the don't want people judging you before they know you, do you? So don't judge the Juggalo family.