
By iamshrimpy - 08/01/2010 06:24 - Canada

Today, I logged onto Facebook to a new notification. I got excited, until I went on to see that it was my mom commenting on my status. She had seen my friends swear in previous comments and decided to make a comment of her own. She told them, "Hey, watch out yr language!" I'm nineteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 080
You deserved it 6 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow, another mum commenting on Facebook story. Sorry, gotta snore off this one.

bambi114 0


I'm 27 and I will erase people's comments that I feel aren't appropriate for my mother, my father, my grandmother, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, or my siblings to see. Plus, 2 of my bf's SILs are on there as well as one of his brother's and his mother. Why would I want them to be subjected to some of the nasty things my friends say? Plus, my page is completely public, and I'd prefer that if a future employer were to stumble across it, they would not think less of me because of it. You kids DO know that employers search out that stuff now, right?

You sound like an incredibly lame person.

damnrosi 0

actually, they sound like an incredibly intelligent, informed person who is mature, and respects themselves and others. A lot of people now are losing out on good jobs because of things they post (or their friends post) on facebook, and it's completely legit, employeers are allowed to do that. This is why I dislike most people my age, so many of them are willfully ignorant. On the other hand, makes me look better, so please, carry on with your idiocy, it's very benefical to me!

nascarlvr42 0

my parents do that on my facebook and I'm 23 and married... sooo not a fml

Hey mom's can't unlearn that stuff easily. And anyway I doubt it matters much if mom wants to chide your friends on Facebook. Perhaps you need it. FYL for thinking nineteen is a "grown up" age.

You seem uninformed. 19-year-olds are legal adults. Many of them live on their own, work, pay their own bills and rent, and cook their own food. In pretty much every country besides the United States, they can legally drink alcohol. Some of them are even married with children. Some of them serve in the military. Once you're over 18, no one can take the fact that you're legally an adult away from you. You think a 30 year old dude living in his parent's basement is more "grown up" than a 19-year-old who does all the aforementioned things?

psychoxxxinvader 3

I say cursing doesn't make you sound cool nor ignorant. They're just words. They don't make you seem mature, again, they are just words.

Change you password. How'd she get into your account? What is scary is that she acts like she thinks that she can control what other people do.

It never said she hacked the OP's account. Pay attention.

FCChelsea 3

Why in the world did you add your mom in the first place? One of the many rules of facebook is NEVER add any family members on your account. If for any reason you have to, adjust your privacy settings with that person accordingly.

That's only if you have something to hide.

Just go to your mom's Facebook page and go to the bottom left and click "Remove from Friends". Simple.

cwark 0