
By iamshrimpy - 08/01/2010 06:24 - Canada

Today, I logged onto Facebook to a new notification. I got excited, until I went on to see that it was my mom commenting on my status. She had seen my friends swear in previous comments and decided to make a comment of her own. She told them, "Hey, watch out yr language!" I'm nineteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 080
You deserved it 6 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow, another mum commenting on Facebook story. Sorry, gotta snore off this one.

bambi114 0


Cartain 0

You think 19 is all grown up?

Exactly, I'm 19 really soon as well, but to be honest growing up isn't about digits at all. Using ones age as an excuse confuses me.

I'm 29 and my mom does the same. It's just a mom thing lol

jts2 3

My mother tends to be a little less nazi-ish, though she does do the whole facebook stalking act at time. *sigh* Just something you've gotta deal with, if you've got a decently intelligent mother (AKA one who is an internet addict at times. like my own. x_x;).

1. I have no friends if u get one notification a day 2.delete that bitch, ur over 18 so it's not like she can have ur profile removed

You do know that you can erase comments right? So this isn't really that bad of an FML.

Oh wow, another mum commenting on Facebook story. Sorry, gotta snore off this one.

YDI for having your mom as a facebook friend.

jts2 3

Really? So hurtful. Because ya'know, I'm an internet addict myself. (Bleh, meant as a reply to #21. At least on my end, though, it didn't turn up that way).

myotherlips 0

Some people just don't like cursing period. Does she curse? If she doesn't, take it as a sign that your mother's an ignorant prude.

damnrosi 0

why? for not swearing in public. That does not make her an ignorant prude, it makes her classy and respectful of others around her. Years of experience has taught me that the majority of people that swear in public (and yes, facebook is public, it is called a public forum), are pathetic, uneducated slobs, with no future, and no life, who will live and die a nobody and no one will ever care that they existed. Her mom is just looking out for her. Though why OP would add her mother on facebook is beyond me.

Just because a person doesn't cuss in public does not make them a prude. Whereas, I don't think someone who cusses will die alone or any of that, it does show a lack of class and a pitiful vocabulary. Plus, if you're aware of what you're saying and you watch your language in public, you avoid exposing young children to it. I actually saw a guy get pulled off of an airplane in Detroit while we were waiting to unboard because he was cussing and being loud. He was arrested for that. I, personally, found it disgusting that he was using such profanity with so many children on the plane and even after he was asked to watch his language, he got even worse. I think he deserved getting arrested for causing such a scene. Especially on an airplane.

It's funny to me how many youngsters (< 30) think cussing makes them sound cool & grown-up. Hint: it just makes you sound ignorant.

LOLOL overreaction much? Yeah, cussing in public means a person will die alone and never succeed, obviously *sarcasm* FYI, I had a history professor regularly toss around the word "****" and "shit" and he's probably more successful than you.

waterynuggets 0

Oh, okay. Thanks for telling us.