
By iamshrimpy - 08/01/2010 06:24 - Canada

Today, I logged onto Facebook to a new notification. I got excited, until I went on to see that it was my mom commenting on my status. She had seen my friends swear in previous comments and decided to make a comment of her own. She told them, "Hey, watch out yr language!" I'm nineteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 080
You deserved it 6 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh wow, another mum commenting on Facebook story. Sorry, gotta snore off this one.

bambi114 0


wazdog 4

FML's like these are only written by teenagers who think they're so mature and grown-up. Adults would just laugh about it.

kitties_fml 12

YDI for being friends with your mom on facebook...

Eh, I can relate. My mom gets to my wall once in a while and then has these annoyingly hilarious arguments with my ex boyfriend. What's crazy is that they're on excellent terms with each other. And then all the times we're told to "mind our language"... heh, he edited his settings, his wall is now off limits for her. So yeah, I feel your pain.

Who the **** cares? Seriously who moderates these?!?

YDI For having a parent as a Facebook friend, also, you could just delete her comment. Not an FML.

YDI shouldn't have added her as a friend to begin with

cookies_for_you 0

this is in no way a fml. my mum comments on my facebook all the time, my friends just think it's amusing. why is it such a big deal?

nofxroxx341 0

how is this an FML? happens to me all the time. not a big deal really. she's just being a mom