Congratulations, you played yourself

By danielle - 23/04/2009 07:16 - United States

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21). We went to a liquor store and asked a random guy to go in and buy us some vodka. After giving him $20, he said he had to go turn off his car, then he'd get us the drinks. He got in his car and drove off, with my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 219
You deserved it 260 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aego56 0

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21)...*YDI*


deni_kaos 0

that certainly was stupid. you could have tried hard to find someone to get your booze

whymenow 0

I'd do the same thing, just to show you a lesson - don't f*cking drink until you're of legal age. I don't care if it's too high of a limit; too many of my friends have been put into situations where they were underage, drunk and taken advantage of in one way or another, then whined about it. If you don't put yourself into the situation, then you won't get into trouble. PERIOD.

elemenopyqrstuv 0

wow 45. seriously? if they were going to be stupid and get hurt while drunk, they deserve it. they have the right to make those kinds of choices for themselves.

LOL, if you want to drink underage get someone you know, not some random **** sucker, he could be a serial Killer and you dont know it, or a rapist. SO dont do that again unless u have someone u know and trust. YDI

Wow, you're such an idiot. If you're going to do that, give the money to someone you trust, not some idiot off the street. YDI for believing him when he said 'he had to go turn off his car'.

whymenow 0

as an addition to my comment (44)...I know people over the age of 21 still get into these situations, but at least they aren't doing something illegal and can take the proper legal steps to go after the person who wronged them. When you're underage and something like that happens, you might not be able to take all the proper legal measures, as you were doing something wrong in the first place.

I've done that so many times for so many different things and I'm not even legal age yet. People in my town assume I am for some reason, so I just take their money and leave. It's funny because they can't just go to the cops and say "I gave her $15 for smokes and she stole it!" because they'd get in trouble for trying to buy them in the first place. In a few months I'll be of age, and even then I won't buy for someone that's underage. I really don't feel like getting caught and paying out my ass just to get some teeny-boppers a few coolers. That was definitely a YDI moment. 100%

If you're that gullible, you were probably going to get drunk and do something stupid anyway. That guy is way smarter than you, and a little richer now too! :)