Congratulations, you played yourself

By danielle - 23/04/2009 07:16 - United States

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21). We went to a liquor store and asked a random guy to go in and buy us some vodka. After giving him $20, he said he had to go turn off his car, then he'd get us the drinks. He got in his car and drove off, with my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 219
You deserved it 260 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aego56 0

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21)...*YDI*


Its a pity people do things like this these days, but you're naive to think otherwise and trust random strangers. Also. You're not really missing out on much by not drinking until you're the legal age (although 21 sounds kinda high o.0. Its 18 here in NZ. Makes sense though, not a whole lot of people drink responsibly at that age still). There are so many other fun things to be doing :P.

#34 >#26, how is life living in chinese? I've considered living in chinese, but then I thought, won't I be surrounded by retarded 13 year old alcoholics? Those are just stupid laws, how do you expect learn to drink responsibly if you're not used to it? I started drinking at 12 and I'm not an alcoholic. My parents just gave me a responsible education so I don't mess up with alcohol.

Shafreeka 8

funny how #50 isn't even "of legal age" and is calling others "teeny-boppers". if you're not legal yet than u still r one.

56- No, the kids asking me are always about 7-8 years younger than me, and also the most immature and annoying kids I've ever met.

Fail, that's the dumbest excuse you could possibly fall for.

It bugs me so bad when people are all like "oh noezzz, you're going to pass out and vomit everywhere if you drink before you're 21". Underage kids are capable of drinking sensibly, the majority know their limits. $20 is a lot of money for a bottle of vodka too :| But yeah, in future, just ask someone you know or something. Strangers are a no-no.

Firstly, #34 and #40, shut up, could either of you tell a Chinese person where you lived in their language?? At least he's ******* trying. Secondly, everyone who's judging this kid, are you telling me you've never tried to get your hands on alcohol whilst underage? Thirdly, OP, move to Britain, our drinking age is 18. Or, try the parents' secret booze stash??

rahhzamatazz 0

#26 - It's China, not Chinese. #61 - wǒ shì àodàlìyà rén I studied Chinese mandarin for 4 years at high school. I even have a program on my laptop that does the characters when you type in the pinyin. 我 是 澳大利亚 人. All meaning I am Australian, with the direct translation being I am Australia person.

YDI, Vodka sucks, next time go for Absint. It tastes better, its green and has way more alcohol.