Congratulations, you played yourself

By danielle - 23/04/2009 07:16 - United States

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21). We went to a liquor store and asked a random guy to go in and buy us some vodka. After giving him $20, he said he had to go turn off his car, then he'd get us the drinks. He got in his car and drove off, with my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 219
You deserved it 260 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aego56 0

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21)...*YDI*


liquidpaper 0

Sometimes life charges you a tuition fee to teach you common sense.

chanceuse_fml 0

#26 is a good example of why children should not drink alcohol. When you are mature enough to not live in a language, then you may drink. BTW, nice quote #85 :) I agree.

lmaoo. sorry, that was pretty funny. that will probably never work unless you have ****.

ahhhcrap23 0

dude that's what you get for being dumb..haha amatures.

As people living in every country in the world except the US will know, the drinking age should be 18. Nonetheless, you totally deserved it. Don't you have a big brother?

21? that's just stupid. it should be something reasonable, like 18 in england.

greatnt249 0

"if they were going to be stupid and get hurt while drunk, they deserve it. they have the right to make those kinds of choices for themselves." They most certainly do NOT have the right to bring down innocent people with them because of their idiotic decisions. It's THAT kind of mentality that results in so many alcohol-related deaths; no one ever thinks about other people that can get hurt by an intoxicated jackass's actions.