
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time. When the officer came up to my window, I immediately burst out into tears due to nervousness. He kept asking me for my licence and registration. Hysterical, I wasn't able to comply. He arrested me for not cooperating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 676
You deserved it 55 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you the girl from american idol who keeps crying for sanjaya?

Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.


marshmallow_ 0

I got pulled over for going 101 in a 55 when I was 16. I didn't start crying because I'm not a ******* pussy and I can accept the consequences of my actions. Sounds like the OP needs to become way more mature and responsible before being allowed to control a 2 ton mass of steel at highway speeds.

HistoryHasEyes 19

Almost going twice the speed limit? How where you not arrested for reckless driving?

Oh please. When you cry you cry. You don't become dysfunctional. You deserve it for being so lame.

Christ haven't you ever gotten in trouble w/ the cops b4

IllegalLight 0

Some people have severe problems psychological problems with being nervous. Really. I don't see how this person really deserved being arrested even though they were being "difficult".

IllegalLight 0

Some people have severe problems psychological problems with being nervous. Really. I don't see how this person really deserved being arrested even though they were being "difficult".

The author obviously has some psychological problems. I'm sorry. See a doctor, okay? :)

be thankful that you live in a land where you have a car. and where there are people working just to keep the streets safe. Be thankful that for the gas in the car that got you to break the law. be thankful that because of this you won't be thrown into a dirty cell for the rest of your life. be thankful that this happened and that you can manage to have the freedom to talk about it on the internet.

arcterion, U SUCK UR OWN CRAP UR A SEXIST y would they arrest u for CRYING

FYL for being arrested, but YDI for completely and totally losing your shit over a traffic stop.