
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time. When the officer came up to my window, I immediately burst out into tears due to nervousness. He kept asking me for my licence and registration. Hysterical, I wasn't able to comply. He arrested me for not cooperating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 676
You deserved it 55 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you the girl from american idol who keeps crying for sanjaya?

Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.


Christ, why are so many people flipping the **** out over this? FYL, but go see a psychologist about some anti-anxiety meds .

This speaks to some serious issues you might have with authority and control. You NEED to see a psychologist. Medication might help, therapy WILL help. This is not a normal response to a stressful situation.

Wow, was it that bad? The cop shouldn't have arrested you. He should have just slapped you out of hysteria. It works in the movies.

you do realize that this is a woman right? no need to testicles here :]

ElNegroHombre 0

You cried over a ticket? People like you are so annoying and overdramatic it's crazy.

ElNegroHombre 0

And you ladies need to chill out. Everythings always sexist with you chicks. Calm down it's not a big deal.

too be truthful your daughter had no right doing that if i had gotten one at that age i would have just laughed. she should know it obviously isn't real.

asoldieroforange 0

I just got my first speeding ticket and wished I had atleast worked up a little tears...maybe the officer would've pitied me - but if you were crying to the point where you got arrested? Holy moly.