
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time. When the officer came up to my window, I immediately burst out into tears due to nervousness. He kept asking me for my licence and registration. Hysterical, I wasn't able to comply. He arrested me for not cooperating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 676
You deserved it 55 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you the girl from american idol who keeps crying for sanjaya?

Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.


animel 0

Jesus! Give her a break! I never would have expected such hostility on a post like this. She's just a little girl who got scared and overwhelmed, leave her the **** alone! That goes for the cop, too. What is wrong with the world?!

fmlxxxx 0

If you can't control yourself when something unexpected or scary happens then you shouldn't be driving. I can just imagine you coming around a corner to see a deer in the road, and closing your eyes and hiding

zuma_fml 0

If the girl wasn't responsible enough to drive, then she wouldn't have passed her driving test. The rudeness in the comments you people have posted is just outrageous. I'm sure she's not the only person in the world that has started crying the first time they got pulled over. This is a site where you express how bad a situation you were in was and you cannot tell me that this wasn't a terrible situation, especially for a 16 year old. People need to lighten up.

no. people have lightened up too much. everyone wants to give everyone an easy ride through life that there's no such thing as a real world anymore. everyone relies on everyone else to live an easy life. people are started to rely on government now for stuff government shouldn't be providing. these girl doesn't deserve your attempt to make life easier for her. she needs a taste of the real world which our grand-parents and great grandparents only knew too much about.

yougogailcoco 0

Oh wow, that's harsh - I hope you have a better experience on the road from henceforth. Don't take it to heart, kiddo - it's not that bad, really.

Haha... so what has the OP had to hide? :P I kinda agree with the very first post here though... :-/ Being hysterical for being pulled over... :-/ Some selfconfidence would be great! ^^

blondiee09 0
blondiee09 0

daisyann : you are a disgrace to women and teenagers alike. If you had any self-respect you would go to the secretary of state and hand over your drivers license. you are clearly too incompetent and unstable to be driving a car.

CynicComedian 2

Let this be a lesson then: Learn to control your emotions. Get some medication or something, but if you get so freaked that getting pulled over is going to send you over the edge, you need to do something about that. Life throws curve balls sometimes, find out how to solve the problems and not break under pressure. I'm sorry for your bad luck, but like I said, just learn from this.

sparxva 12

Agreed. If you aren't in control of your emotions enough to talk to a police officer then you have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS behind the wheel of a car. You'll hurt someone; maybe yourself. Not every person has the maturity to drive a car.