
By daisyann - 15/07/2009 23:55 - United States

Today, I got pulled over for the first time. When the officer came up to my window, I immediately burst out into tears due to nervousness. He kept asking me for my licence and registration. Hysterical, I wasn't able to comply. He arrested me for not cooperating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 676
You deserved it 55 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

are you the girl from american idol who keeps crying for sanjaya?

Seti_fml 0

you deserve it, no way around that. You have to be an adult and keep your composure when being pulled over. It's part of your responsibility as a driver.


wasabipeas 0

I am a woman and I got pulled over six minutes after getting my license. I didn't cry and scream because I'm not mentally unstable. Case closed.

"Not able to comply"? Does crying hysterically suddenly cause your hands to stop functioning? YDI for being an overemotional idiot who apparently has no motor control.

xvertigox 0

dont give women drivers a bad name ok? youre sucha wuss take the train nxt time

What kind of sheltered life you must live that getting pulled over causes you to cry.

Lol why are people calling people sexist for saying things like 'Women!'?? I'm a woman and I completely agree with them, I've never heard of a guy start bawling because he got pulled over and got arrested because he was so hysterical he couldn't function! I have anxiety disorder and I've been pulled over twice and never once have I burst into tears. It's nerve racking yes, but a cause for hysterics, no. I am ashamed of my sex sometimes because they are such idiots and drama queens. If you are that emotional and unable to control yourself you probably shouldn't be driving.

0_o Wow, YDI for being a complete dumbass.