
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my parents found my stash of alcohol. They drank it all within a single evening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 910
You deserved it 35 297

Top comments

How much alcohol did you have? And why the hell didn't they share?


should of kept it in a better hiding spot

ItsAllBeenDone 0

you are my new favorite commentor... just sayin(:

Nature vs nurture. You like alcohol? Safe to assume they do, too.

What OP isn't mentioning is that this "stash" was a quarter bottle of Nyquil and a pint of Listerine.

green_eggs_and_h 0

Sharing is caring. Unless it's AIDS.

Fakeddd 0

why the **** was this thumbed down?

Should have been home to join them XD