
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my parents found my stash of alcohol. They drank it all within a single evening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 910
You deserved it 35 297

Top comments

How much alcohol did you have? And why the hell didn't they share?


what did you expect them to do? let you keep it? lol

Matias_Says_FML 4
gigi03 5

Your parents know how to have fun..

Ahh parents aren't they great for finding your hidden objects

if you were my kid and I found that I would sit there and watch while you drank it all until you puked then you'd be grounded until you are old enough to move out. you deserve it. wait until you are old enough. there's laws for a reason kid.

a good portion of substance laws are there because big drug companies pay lobbiests huge amounts of money to "convince" politicians to keep them there

not to mention the OP never mentioned how old they are. one can't assume that the OP is underage. but you can't assume their of age either. the OP might of been of age and had their parents visiting them and the parents drank all of their alcohol, the OP also might be legal age and live at home, or the OP is underage.

mismonroe 0

Gayboii_boners? Your obsession is getting out of hand.

imnotcraZ 0

if your underage you deserve it