
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my parents found my stash of alcohol. They drank it all within a single evening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 910
You deserved it 35 297

Top comments

How much alcohol did you have? And why the hell didn't they share?


Why would anyone vote YDI on this one? Oh yeah, because most people here seem to be obese sadacts who sit in their apartment all day long, and don't have any friends. They can't party and can't get laid, so they are jealous of people who can. Grow up.

I voted YDI because I just hate alcohol. Doesn't mean I'm obese ad sit in an apartment all day.

So you don't sympathize with the OP because you hate his choices in food and drink?

Who says the OP sat and watched them drink it? He might not have been there to try and stop them if he is of age.. I'm the legal age to drink but I still have my own 'stash' in my room because I bought it and if I leave it in the kitchen someone else will drink it.

If I found my kids potential stash of alcohol, I would drink it too as payback and my oldest is 17. I don't know how old you are, but you sound young. This should tell you to a) not drink (because it's bad for you anyways) b) don't keep a stash

haha I dnt even hav stashes I just take it from my parents wen there not lookinXD

chaoticnh 0

my mom found mine and poured it down the drain. tho I convinced her it wasnt vodka, but rubbing alcohol :)

fyl indeed they steal your stash then drink it themselves.